

卷入法庭案件的, 要么作为被告, 一个受害者, 或者证人, 会有压力, 压倒性的, 有时令人困惑. 这是一些在法庭审理过程中可能出现的术语的列表.


延期: 应被告的要求将案件推迟到较晚的日期, 法官, 或者检察官. 休会有很多原因. 比如证人, 律师, or defendants having scheduling conflicts or are ill; yours is not the oldest case on that day's court docket; or necessary motions or legal issues have not been decided. 

裁定听证会: 判决未成年罪犯有罪或无罪的法庭程序, 就像审判一样. 如果罪犯不认罪, 这个程序类似于有证词的审判, 以及呈交给法官或陪审团的证据.

提倡: 向受害者提供支持、信息或资源的人.

吸引力: 高等法院复审下级法院的判决和/或裁决的过程.

提问: 被告被带到法庭宣读对他的指控. 然后被告被要求认罪、无罪或不抗辩. 邦德的故事设定在这个时候.

授权: The prosecuting attorney's decision to prosecute the case by filing formal criminal charges against the defendant.


台式试验: 没有陪审团的法官审判.

排除合理怀疑: Reasonable doubt is a legal standard that relates to the prosecuting attorney’s burden of proof at trial. 一个无罪释放, 或者无罪判决, is rendered when the jury feels there is doubt of the defendant's guilt based on reason and arising from evidence or lack of evidence.

邦德: The purpose of bond is to ensure the return of the accused for future court appearances and to ensure public safety. 保释金一般是指法院规定的金额和/或释放条件. 保释也被称为保释金.

绑定: The 地方法院's decision to transfer a felony case to 巡回法院 after the 地方法院 has conducted a preliminary examination or a waiver of the examination.


巡回法院: 重罪审判法庭. 如果是重罪案件, then 巡回法院 will be the court where either the 法官 accepts a guilty plea or a trial is held to determine the disposition of the case. 如果重罪案件交由陪审团审理, then 12 jurors will be selected to hear the evidence and return a verdict of either guilty or not guilty.

抱怨: 详细说明刑事指控的书面文件.


被告: 被指控犯罪的人.

处理听力: 宣判少年犯的法庭程序. 法院决定要采取的安置、咨询或其他补救措施. 这可能包括将该人置于缓刑官的密切监督之下.

性格评估: A hearing to review a juvenile offender's progress and compliance with a disposition order.

地方法院: 轻罪审判法庭. 如果是轻罪案件, then the 地方法院 will be the court where either the 法官 accepts a guilty plea or a trial is held to determine the disposition of the case. 如果轻罪案件交由陪审团审理, then 6 jurors will be selected to hear the evidence and return a verdict of either guilty or not guilty.


巡回法庭家事分庭: The juvenile trial court and/or trial court where child abuse or neglect cases are litigated. 未成年人案件或者虐待、忽视儿童案件, then the Family Division of the 巡回法院 will be the court where either the 法官 accepts a guilty plea or a trial is held to determine the outcome of the case. 如果一个青少年重罪案件进入审判阶段, then 12 jurors will hear the evidence and return a verdict of either guilty or not guilty. 如果是轻罪案件, then 6 jurors will hear the evidence and return a verdict of either guilty or not guilty.

重罪: Any serious crime for which the maximum possible sentence is more than one year in a state prison. 在大多数重罪案件中,缓刑可以代替监禁.


少年: 未成年人17岁以下的人.


轻罪: A crime less serious than a felony for which the maximum sentence is usually not more than one year in a county jail. 判决通常包括缓刑, 牢狱之灾, 一个很好的, 或者是这三者中的任何一个或全部的组合. 除了在某些特殊情况下, 犯有轻罪的人不能被判入狱.

运动: 法庭听证会回答法律问题.


没有比赛: This plea is used when the defendant cannot recall his criminal actions or may be sued civilly for his criminal conduct. 一般, 警方的报告, 而不是被告对法官的口头承认, 构成了认罪的事实依据. The defendant is treated by the sentencing 法官 the same as if he was convicted via a guilty plea or trial verdict. 被告会有犯罪记录.


假释: A term of community supervision afforded by the Parole Board to a prisoner who has served the minimum portion of his or her sentence, 减少良好的时间或纪律学分(如果适用). 在假释期间, a parolee is supervised by an agent who is an employee of the Michigan Department of Corrections. 在假释期满后, 罪犯被解除刑罚. 如果被假释者违反了假释条款,他或她可能会被送回监狱. The Parole Board retains jurisdiction until the maximum sentence is served in prison or the offender is discharged from parole.

作伪证。 谎言:在宣誓后对重要事实故意撒谎或不诚实.

请愿书: 对被指控犯罪的少年提出刑事指控的请求.

请求: 被告对刑事指控的回应(有罪、无罪或不抗辩).

辩诉交易: An agreement between the parties wherein the defendant will plead guilty or no contest under certain terms and conditions in exchange for reducing or dismissing one or more of the charges.

初步审查: A 地方法院 hearing in felony cases to determine if there is probable cause to believe that a felony has been committed and that the defendant committed the crime.

Pre-Sentence调查: A review of a convicted offender's personal and criminal background by a probation officer. The victim is also consulted on the impact the crime has had upon their life and what the victim feels the sentence should include. 在宣判前,法官会准备一份报告并宣读.

审前会议: An informal meeting between the prosecuting attorney and defendant or his attorney to determine if the case can be settled without going to trial or to determine if all parties are ready for trial.

可能的原因: 这是管理拘留的法律标准, 对刑事被告的逮捕和/或正式指控. Probable cause is evidence that a crime was committed and that the named defendant committed the specified crime.

遗嘱检验法院: 法院审理与遗嘱有关的问题, 信托基金, 地产, 精神疾病请愿书, 监护, 和保护决定了.

试用期: A term of community supervision afforded either to a convicted felon or a convicted misdemeanant by a court as an alternative to prison or jail, 尽管一些法官可能会判处罪犯缓刑和监禁. The Michigan Department of Corrections supervises convicted felons who are serving probation sentences under the jurisdiction of the sentencing court.

检察官: Attorney who represents the People of the State of Michigan against a criminal defendant. 这个县的民选官员也被称为检察官.


赔偿: 一笔钱, 由法院决定, to be paid to a crime victim for property loss or injuries caused by the defendant's or juvenile's criminal act(s).


隔离: 应律师的要求或法院的主动要求, witnesses may be ordered to remain outside the courtroom until they are called by the 律师 to testify. 当证人完成他们的证词时, they are not free to share what was said or done in the courtroom until all of the witnesses have testified and the 律师 have rested their case. This helps guarantee that a witness testifies from their own memory, and not someone else's.

传票: 法庭命令:指示某人在法庭聆讯的时间和地点出席的法庭命令, 通常是为了作证或带来记录.


受害者: 遭受直接肉体折磨的人或实体, 由于犯罪而造成的经济和/或情感上的伤害.


放弃: 放弃:放弃一项权利.

保证: A written order of the court that commands a law enforcement officer to arrest a person and bring that person to court.